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How To Save Your Complete Facebook Chat History
Taking note of conversations may sound unnecessary, or even plain paranoid, but often proves to be extremely useful. Recalling those conversations word by word is one heck of a superpower.
One thing I’ve always missed about Facebook is that ability to keep logs of your Facebook chat history. As it is, Facebook only remembers short snippets of some most recent conversations – and only per page and in between sign-offs. Because the user has to be online, this can only ever be used to continue some previous conversations where you left off.
Below is an alternative method to permanently save your Facebook chat history, using browser extensions.
Using A Firefox Add-On Or Google Chrome Extension
Before we head off, let’s dispel a common misconception that has already earned these extensions some bad ratings. This technique does not allow you to delve into long lost conversations, prior to the usage of these extensions. Why not? Simple; because Facebook does not keep those around. So unless you can find yourself a time machine, there’s no way to recover those.
From the moment you’re set up however, these extensions will remember every single word said. And those can be retrieved later on.
Start out by downloading and installing Facebook Chat History Manager as a Firefox add-on orGoogle Chrome extension. There’s still a little work ahead before they’re running smoothly, though.
How to save your Facebook account from the OMG Guy Clickjacking Attack

An infected user account has a link to the following words:
“OMG This GUY Went A Little To Far WITH His Revenge On His EX Girlfriend.”

A fake captcha is displayed to a Facebook user and when the user clicks on the specified color,
the link appears to be "liked" on his profile.
How to be safe from these Facebook scams?
Never click on links that are liked by your friends, if these links appear simultaneously on the profiles of your multiple friends.
This article on security talks about how to be safe on social networking websites like Facebook.
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